Showy Ovaries with Penny Ashton.

Action Hero Kate Billing

Penny Ashton Season 2 Episode 33

When perimenopause came knocking at Kate Billing's door with all its insomnia and anxiety she had no idea what the hell was happening. Once armed with a diagnosis she was pissed off, and so set about educating as many people as possible through her Linked In Group - Menopause Awareness and Action. Determined that Generation X will be the last to be blindsided, she is well on the way to her small goal; of changing the world, which she describes as a team sport.  Not long after her face adorned the NZ Listener's cover for their Menopause issue, Kate beamed into Penny's office to talk about her work through human centred leadership with her company Blacksmith, about her struggles with an eating disorder, about how she made a great ballet bumble bee and how she is way too much. In a good way. 

TW/CW: Talk of eating disorders

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